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Greenville Police warn of fentanyl after CDC report shows it’s the deadliest drug in America

Greenville Police warn of fentanyl after CDC report shows it's the deadliest drug in America

Greenville Police warn of fentanyl after CDC report shows it’s the deadliest drug in America

GREENVILLE, SC – According to a new report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), fentanyl is the deadliest drug in the United States.


“This could be pure fentanyl, this could be a heroine fentanyl mix, you just don’t know,”  Sgt. Tim Conroy of the Greenville Police Department said Thursday, holding up a bag of white pills.  “Not knowing what this is, is just like playing Russian Roulette.”


Down in their evidence room, Greenville Police said more of the drugs stashed away are now mixed with fentanyl, than not.


Conroy also said that most users he’s seen are aware that the risks can be deadly, and prepare for the overdose.


“It’s not unlikely to go to an overdose death and to see Narcan in the house with the opioid death overdose. They’re hoping one of their buddies will bring them back but unfortunately it’s not that easy to do.”


According to the study done by the CDC, the massive spike in fentanyl-related deaths in the U.S. began in 2013.


By 2016, the drug accounted for more than a quarter of overdose deaths in the country, killing more than 18,000 people.


 “I’m not at all surprised,” said Curtis Reece, Director of Prevention Services for the Phoenix Center in Greenville. “Overdose deaths have been increasing and fentanyl is certainly a part of that.”


Reece added that in a lot of cases, people are unaware that fentanyl is mixed in with other drugs.

“People who are using, abusing drugs just don’t know what they’re getting,” he said.

As the opioid epidemic rages on in America, the number of overdoses from all drugs appears to be on the increase.


Greenville Police said that since 2016, the number of reported overdoses in Greenville have gone up by 26%.


Surprisingly, as of December 13th, 2018, the number of deaths from overdoses is down from 2017.


The Department said that is because officers are well trained with Narcan.


“We’re seeing now that it’s taking 3 to 4 injections to take effect as the fentanyl is so potent,” said Conroy.


A link to the CDC report can be found here: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr67/nvsr67_09-508.pdf


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