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Letters: Extinction news alarming, Colorado’s drug culture (5/11/19)

Letters: Extinction news alarming, Colorado's drug culture (5/11/19)

Letters: Extinction news alarming, Colorado’s drug culture (5/11/19)

Extinction exigency

Re: “Grave impacts,” May 7 news story

I read the article in The Denver Post about the forecasted extinction of many species of plants and animals. It reminded me of an assignment I had in high school that my English teacher called a ‘”think piece.” We were to consider what the consequences would be if there were no more babies being born from that moment on and write down everything we could think of that would be impacted.

We shared our results aloud in class the next day. Ideas ranged from loss of jobs (obstetricians, pediatricians, and teachers) to the elimination of entire industries (baby food makers, baby clothing and toy manufacturers).

The teacher said it was a good start, but we hadn’t taken it far enough. With the prospect of a zero-birth rate, we needed to consider its ultimate end. No one had gone that far in their thinking and taken into account what would happen if the chain of existence were to break.

It was a little haunting at the time; it’s even more so now.

Denise F. Ludwig, Colorado Springs

This report is shocking! Humans need nature for so many things including food, medicines and our livelihood. The rate of decline and destruction is staggering. I pray that our world leaders can identify ways to address or even reverse these results. I look to the federal government of the United States and specifically Colorado’s elected officials, to set an example for the rest of the world.Without nature and biodiversity, we cannot survive. I don’t understand how this is so hard to grasp. Preserving nature is not only key to our survival, but makes economic sense in many ways. There is so much work to be done to create a livable world for current and future generations. We need to start with reducing emissions and addressing climate change. Ideally, the United States and countries across the world will start with legislation like the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act.I don’t know how this can be made more clear but, our time to act and still have an impact is running out.Alexx Hoholik, Aurora

Re: “Who speaks for the bushy beard grass?,” May 5 features story

Ray Mark Rinaldi’s review of the Denver Botanic Gardens’ “Human/Nature” exhibit is a plea to the hearts of all “arts” organizations to use the power of their medium. The Gardens, the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, and the Denver Center for the Performing Arts can “move” people to deep and meaningful conversation about our changing habitat and the human causes of those changes.

How did it come to this? One million plant and animal species are on the verge of extinction. That decline in biodiversity will erode the foundations of our economies, food security, health, cultures, and quality of life worldwide.

No time to tiptoe through the tulips. With the risk so high, how can we let the few (against majority opinion) unabashedly spread disinformation and suppress every voice, innovation, and law that leads to solving this crisis?

Here’s a call out to all arts and cultural organizations: 2020 is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, NOAA, and the EPA (what’s left of it). Give us exhibits and events that show us the historical roots of this calamity and the technologies that already exist to transition to a low carbon future. The story of our future will include renewable energies; efficiencies; sustainable transportation, agriculture and forest management; and responsible consumption and recycling.

Nancy J. Gruschow, Lakewood

State’s drug culture rampant

Are you folks crazy? Hallucinogenic mushrooms, too? Let’s set a timetable. You’ve done marijuana. Mushrooms in 2019 … LSD in 2020 … methamphetamine in 2021. If anyone is still alive or not institutionalized, you can do fentanyl in 2022.

Alcohol is bad enough but I’d be afraid to drive the streets knowing the laundry list of intoxicants you are making (or trying to make) available. In terms of weird, California is going to drop to second place.
And a heads up: Go ahead and increase the budgets for law enforcement, jails and mental health treatment.

David Hopkins, Columbus, Ga.

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