A HAZMAT team responded to the Decatur County Sheriff’s Department Friday after a trooper and inmate were potentially exposed to fentanyl. 

Decatur County Sheriff Keith Byrd said a trooper was bringing a man to jail when the man smashed a capsule in the back seat of the patrol car. The contents of the capsule are unknown at this point.

“We’re not certain it’s fentanyl, but we suspect it might be,” Byrd said.

Fentanyl is a narcotic that can be used to treat severe pain and is known for being highly addictive and dangerous in high doses.

It can be absorbed into the body through inhalation, skin contact or oral ingestion. If used improperly, fentanyl can cause respiratory arrest, unconsciousness, coma and death.

HAZMAT and the Decatur County Fire Department roped off the patrol car and processed the scene.

Byrd said the trooper and inmate were the only people who may have been exposed to the contents of the capsule. The Decatur County Sheriff’s Department is continuing operations as usual.

Byrd spoke with the trooper Friday afternoon and reported that he is okay.

Reach Cassandra Stephenson at ckstephens@jacksonsun.com or at (731) 694-7261. Follow Cassandra on Twitter at @CStephenson731.

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