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Saskatoon holds National Day of Action on the Overdose Crisis event

Saskatoon holds National Day of Action on the Overdose Crisis event

Saskatoon holds National Day of Action on the Overdose Crisis event

Harm reduction advocates say if any effort to stop the overdose crisis is going to work, it has to start with a conversation — but that can’t happen unless people are willing to listen.

“Criminal justice efforts and community shaming is not going to fix the overdose crisis,” advocate Marie Agioritis said.

“Unless the community at large takes enough of a sympathetic ear to actually understand the pragmatic side of why we should help, the cost associated, and so on, we’re not going to see any change.”

Agioritis is the Saskatchewan regional leader for Moms Stop the Harm, an advocacy group formed in 2016 by a group of mothers across Canada who had lost children to overdoses. The group is one of the community-based organizations participating in Saskatoon’s National Day of Action on the Overdose Crisis on April 16.

Marie Agioritis and her son Kayle Best stand in front of a blackboard covered in messages to her other son, Kelly Best, who died of a fentanyl overdose. Photo by Heidi Atter.


Agioritis lost her 19-year-old son Kelly to a fentanyl overdose in 2015. Her work with Moms Stop the Harm has focused largely on reducing the stigma around overdose and people who use drugs.

“It’s almost like there’s a scale or hierarchy of qualified ways for a young person to die,” she said. “Overdose isn’t generally at the top of it. People don’t generally bring casseroles to your door when your kid dies of an overdose.”

The event, headed by the Canadian Association of People Who Use Drugs (CAPUD), is held in conjunction with 21 other municipalities across Canada. Saskatoon’s iteration is organized by AIDS Saskatoon.

“It’s basically an opportunity for people to gather, to remember people that they lost, for people who use drugs to really focus on what they want and need as a community and have their voices heard, especially when it comes to the crisis,” said AIDS Saskatoon education and prevention coordinator Lauryn Kronick.

The event also includes a body mapping exercise and a chance to share stories as a community. Agioritis is leading the design and creation of flags of hope to commemorate people lost to overdoses. 

“What we wanted to do was dispel the myth about who was dying from overdose,” Agioritis said. “With this event, if you sat down and talked to some of the people who use drugs … they’re just like you and I; they got caught up in something that they didn’t know how to turn back from and the resources just aren’t plentiful enough to their needs to be able to get into recovery.”

Pending ongoing investigations, there were 78 confirmed deaths from accidental opioid overdoses in Saskatchewan in 2018. Fentanyl was implicated in 31, and carfentanil, a more potent analog of fentanyl, in four of them. One opioid-related death had been confirmed as of March 31.

The AIDS Saskatoon event takes place at 601 Outreach Centre, 1143 Avenue F North, from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m.





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